Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Legalizacion del aborto

Legalizacion del aborto Esquema argumentativo:LegalizaciÂÆ'Â ³n del abortoPregunta‚Â ¿Se debe legalizar una ley del aborto en casos de violaciÂÆ'Â ³n en nuestro paÂÆ'Â ­s?Posturas ante la polÂÆ'Â ©micaSi se debe legalizar la ley del abortoA1.- Evitar embarazos no deseados por violaciÂÆ'Â ³n: A nivel mundial, la primera experiencia sexual de las niÂÆ'Â ±as de las calles entre 10 y 14 aÂÆ'Â ±os es por violaciÂÆ'Â ³n. En Ecuador, el 69% de niÂÆ'Â ±as entre 10 y 15 aÂÆ'Â ±os han sufrido algÂÆ'Â ºn tipo de violencia de gÂÆ'Â ©nero, especialmente violencia sexual. Significa que las niÂÆ'Â ±as son violentadas en la casa, la escuela o en sus propias comunidades". "Sobre el embarazo adolescente, en los ÂÆ'Â ºltimos 20 aÂÆ'Â ±os los partos existentes en adolescentes han crecido en un 80% (Datos_del_Ministerio_de_Cordinacion_de_desarrollo, 2013)A2.- Evitar muertes a causa de abortos clandestinos: Se estima que en el paÂÆ'Â ­s se realizan 95.000 abortos al aÂÆ'Â ±o, de los cuales solo 200 son legales. Cada dÂÆ'Â ­a 260 mujeres deciden abortar y el hecho de no poder acceder a abortos seguros y legales las pone en situaciones de vulnerabilidad, riesgo y en muchos casos las expone a la muerte. (Ministerio_de_Salud_PÂÆ'Â ºblica_del_Ecuador)En Ecuador el aborto es un problema de salud pÂÆ'Â ºblica, pues el 18% de muertes son causadas por abortos clandestinos, constituyÂÆ'Â ©ndose en la segunda causa de mortalidad materna en el paÂÆ'Â ­s. (Fundacion_EducaciÂÆ'Â ³n_para_la_salud_reproductiva_(E.S.A.R.),Ben in Ecuador2012)A3.- La ley debe contener un amplio marco legal como ha sido establecido en 55 paÂÆ'Â ­ses donde se permite el aborto a base de fundamentos legales amplios, la ley usualmente estipula algunas condiciones como, por ejemplo, lÂÆ'Â ­mites de gestaciÂÆ'Â ³n, indicaciÂÆ'Â ³n, perÂÆ'Â ­odos de espera, requisitos de consentimiento, y restricciones. (Redaccion_Abortos, 2009)No se debe legalizar el abortoA1.- Se teme que el aborto caus e daÂÆ'Â ±os fÂÆ'Â ­sicos y emocionales a la mujer: Son innumerables las dificultades que se tienen para valorar adecuadamente los efectos psicopatolÂÆ'Â ³gicos...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Quotations

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Quotations Johann Wolfgang von Goethe  (1749–1832) was a prolific German poet and writer. Within his body of work are many quotes (zitate, in German) that are now famous bits of wisdom passed down through the generations. A number of these have also influenced other popular musings and sage advice. Among Goethes best-known lines are those below. Many come from published books of the poets work while a few are from personal correspondence. Here, we will explore them in both their original German as well as the English translations. One of the Best-Known Goethe Quotes Man sieht nur das, was man weiß. English Translation:  You only see what you know. Goethe From"Die Wahlverwandtschaften" Die Wahlverwandtschaften (Elective Affinities) was Goethes third novel published in 1809. Glà ¼cklicherweise kann der Mensch nur einen gewissen Grad des Unglà ¼cks fassen; was darà ¼ber hinausgeht, vernichtet ihn oder lßt ihn gleichgà ¼ltig. English Translation: Fortunately, people can comprehend only a certain degree of misfortune; anything beyond that either destroys them or leaves them indifferent. Goethe From "Maximen und Reflexionen" Maximen und Reflexionen (Maxims and Reflections) is a collection of Goethes writings published posthumously in 1833. Der Alte verliert eines der grà ¶ÃƒÅ¸ten Menschenrechte: er wird nicht mehr von seines Gleichen beurteilt. English Translation: An old man loses one of the most important rights of man: he is no longer judged by his peers. Es ist nichts schrecklicher als eine ttige Unwissenheit. English Translation: Theres nothing worse than ignorance in action. Goethe to Eckermann, 1830 Goethe and fellow poet Johann Peter Eckermann regularly corresponded with one another. This comes from a 1830 letter to Eckermann. Napoleon gibt uns ein Beispiel, wie gefhrlich es sei, sich ins Absolute zu erheben und alles der Ausfà ¼hrung einer Idee zu opfern. English Translation: Napoleon provides us an example of how dangerous it is to be elevated to the absolute and to sacrifice everything to implement an idea. Goethe From "Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre" Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre (Wilhelm Meisters Journeyman Years) is the third in a series of books written by Goethe. It was first published in 1821, then revised and republished in 1829. Unter allem Diebesgesindel sind die Narren die schlimmsten. Sie rauben euch beides, Zeit und Stimmung. English Translation: Of all the thieving riff-raff, fools are the worst. They steal both your time and your good mood. Das Leben gehà ¶rt den Lebenden an, und wer lebt, muss auf Wechsel gefasst sein. English Translation: Life belongs to the living, and those who live must be prepared for change. Es gibt keine patriotische Kunst und keine patriotische Wissenschaft. Beide gehà ¶ren, wie alles hohe Gute, der ganzen Welt an... English Translation: There is no patriotic art and no patriotic science. Both belong, like all high good, to the whole world... Goethe From"Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre" Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (Wilhelm Meisters Apprenticeship) is the second volume in Goethes famous series, published in 1795. Alles, was uns begegnet, lßt Spuren zurà ¼ck. Alles trgt unmerklich zu unserer Bildung bei. English Translation: Everything we encounter leaves traces behind. Everything contributes imperceptibly to our education. Die beste Bildung findet ein gescheiter Mensch auf Reisen. English Translation: The best education for a clever person is found in travel. Goethe From "Sprichwà ¶rtlich" The following are small excerpts from Goethes poem Sprichwà ¶rtlich (Proverbial). Zwischen heut und morgenliegt eine lange Frist.Lerne schnell besorgen,Da du noch munter bist. English Translation: Between today and tomorrowlies a long time.Learn quickly to take care of thingswhile youre still fit. Tu nur das Rechte in deinen Sachen;Das andre wird sich von selber machen. English Translation: Just do the right thing in your affairs;The rest will take care of itself. Goethe From "Reineke Fuchs" Reineke Fuchs is a 12-song epic written by Goethe in 1793. Besser laufen, als faulen. English Translation: Better to run than to rot. Goethe From "Hermann und Dorothea" Hermann and Dorothea is one of Goethes epic poems published in 1796. Wer nicht vorwrts geht, der kommt zurà ¼cke. English Translation: If youre not going forward, youre going backward. Goethe From "Faust I (Vorspiel auf dem Theater)" Faust I is a collection of Goethes work and when combined with Faust II, the two span 60 years of the poets artistic writings. Vorspiel auf dem Theater (Prelude on the Theater) is one poem examining the conflicts of drama and theater. Was glnzt, ist fà ¼r den Augenblick geboren,Das Echte bleibt der Nachwelt unverloren. English Translation: That which glitters is born for the moment;The genuine remains intact for future days.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The difference between Strategy and Management Research Paper

The difference between Strategy and Management - Research Paper Example The paper tells that there are some core functions of management, which are planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. These functions completely explain the concept of management. Management starts from planning. Plan is made according to the goals. Plan provides manager with a way to achieve the goal within the required time and resources. The time and cost schedules are prepared in accordance with the plan prepared. After the plan is made, the manager accumulates the resources required to accomplish the goal. This occurs in the stage of organizing. Either in-house resources are utilized or the resources are outsourced depending upon which of the two proves more convenient in terms of cost and accessibility. Staffing is basically linked to the stage of organizing. The difference between the two stages is that in organizing, non-human resources are accumulated whereas in staffing, human resources are accumulated. This is the stage in which the manager advertises the jo bs and recruits. The manager chooses the process of recruitment from among a myriad of options that include but are not limited to face-to-face interviewing, telephone interviewing and tests. Once the employees have been recruited, the manager needs to lead them. Leadership and management are to much an extent, the same concepts. Every leader is a manager but every manager may not necessarily be the leader. A leader is somebody who makes independent decisions and makes sure that the needs of followers are met which is basically management. Even the lowest employee in the organization structure is a manager as he/she is supposed to manage his/her work, but he/she might not have anybody under him to lead. However, managers usually are leaders as well. In the stage of leading, the manager makes decisions and provides the followers with the necessary resources to make it practicable for them to follow his/her decision. The manager also develops a hierarchical system wherein every employ ee is assigned a specific level. The last stage of management is of controlling. Controlling is a process of evaluation of the existing systems with an intention to identify the loopholes so that they can be eradicated and the efficiency of system can be improved as a whole. New plans are made and implemented for continual improvement of the system. Strategy is basically the efficiency of a manager and his/her capability to display optimal performance in each of the aforementioned functions of management. Strategic thinking can be defined as â€Å". . . using analogies and qualitative similarities to develop creative new ideas . . . (and) designing actions on the basis of new learning† (Stacey, 1992). Mintzberg (1994) defines strategic thinking as a specific way of thinking that has well defined and clear characteristics. The strategy aligns a manager’s efforts with the goals and enables him/her to work in such a way that maximizes the chances of success and minimizes the threats. If properly developed and employed, the strategy enables a manager to not only minimize the risks, but also convert those left into opportunities. While management has always been there, strategy has gained more emphasis in successful management in the contemporary age as the competition in market has increased and newer and innovative ways of business are surfacing. Over the decades, people have become more conscious about the health and safety of all living beings and the protection of the environment. Media has played a very important role in raising such concerns and creating such awareness. This has led managers to be more cautious in the selection of their plans to achieve their goals. Critics evaluate the actions of managers according to their negative

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Baptism Debate Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Baptism Debate - Research Paper Example One such area of difference is the meaning and importance of baptism. That is, various denominations approach ideas related to baptism differently. Some individuals, for example, do not recognize any significance of baptism. This paper explores certain debatable issues surrounding baptism. Specifically, the paper addresses merits of baptism, eligibility of an individual for baptism, and correct biblical mode of baptism. Outline of the Paper While exploring the concept of baptism among believers, the paper identifies some debatable aspects of baptism. The areas include significance of baptism, children baptism, and correct biblical mode of baptism. Since the paper is an argumentative paper, both proposing and opposing sides of the areas are discussed in the paper. This paper begins by exploring the meaning and understanding of baptism. This section outlines how baptism is important to believers. The paper further identifies merits of baptism to Baptists, individuals who believe in exi stence and usefulness of baptism. While discussing baptism of children, the paper begins by highlighting reasons used by individuals who oppose infant baptism. Those who are in favor of the issue are later discussed in the paper. ... In addition, it emerged that the Bible does not clearly support children baptism. Moreover, the Bible supports baptism by immersion. Meaning of Baptism Baptism is an outward symbol of an individual’s inner transformation.4 The entire process of baptism is achieved through the power and strength of Jesus. It is important to note that baptism is not about overcoming sin, but is about repenting past sins. In other words, baptism involves making up your mind that you want to overcome sin by allowing God to give strength and victory. Through baptism, Apostle Paul argues that Christians embrace importance of Jesus’ death and resurrection.5 That is, Christians symbolically undergo similar experiences that Jesus went through in His death, burial, and resurrection. Apostle Paul further clarifies that while Jesus physically died and resurrected, Christians die to their sins, self, and old ways. Resurrection to Christians, therefore, implies that an individual, after baptism, rise s again to a holy life through Jesus Christ. As Romans 6:8-12 say, â€Å"Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we also live with Him. For we know that since Jesus was raised from the dead, he cannot die again.†¦.In the same way, count yourself dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.† Apart from the message to Romans, Apostle Paul also informs Corinthians about importance of baptism to Christians. In II Corinthians 5:17 Paul says, â€Å"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new creation has come.† Therefore, after baptism, an individual is holy and sin no longer reigns over him. The verse implies that sin has to â€Å"die† and be â€Å"passed away† from an individual so that Jesus completely occupy an individual’s life. The verse does not,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Response to Intervention Essay Example for Free

Response to Intervention Essay â€Å"Of all forms of mental activity, the most difficult to induce even in the minds of the young, who may be presumed not to have lost their flexibility, is the art of handling the same bundle of data as before, but placing them in a new system of relations with one another by giving them a different framework, all of which virtually means putting on a different kind of thinking-cap for the moment. It is easy to teach anybody a new fact†¦but it needs light from heaven above to enable a teacher to break the old framework in which the student is accustomed to seeing. † Arthur Koestler Twenty-first century educational institutions are on a research journey exploring continued models, theories, plans, strategies and so much more to bring resolve to the problems facing our schools. Many schools are facing the ills of low performance and a decline in meeting Adequate Yearly Progress. Plans and studies to improve schools academic performance are on the rise. School leadership and districts continue to explore and search for the perfect research based model that will pull them up and out of the pit of despair to a maximum and successful learning community where students master learning through engaged instructional practices. An alternative to classroom learning experiences evolving on the educational scene is Response to Intervention (RTI). Response to Intervention refers to the many ways created to assist teachers in implementing instruction through new and improved activities that will redirect low performance to successful outcomes. This program was birthed years ago out the policies established from No Child Left Behind. Response to Intervention (RTI) is a researched based model used by school systems all over the country to deter academic and behavioral failure in the educational system. Through the engagement of ‘scientifically based instructional practices’, students embrace the enhanced intervention strategies that allow them to explore educational skills with a confidence that bring successful outcomes. Response to Intervention was created to intercept the struggling performance of student at the risk of academic and/or behavioral failure. Through early detection of specific skills deficiencies, students are identified and immediate assessments are administered. Diagnosis of these deficient skills allows teachers to structure instruction to meet the specific needs of students. Strategic plans are developed to target skills deficiency and an alternative instructional plan is created. The purpose of Response to Intervention is early detection and identification of learning concerns of students and the development of an individualized plan that addresses the appropriate prescription for resolving the students’ academic or behavioral issue. In our twenty-first century learning communities, students are required to participate and are engaged in educational activities that may challenge their ability to grasp the concept in manners conducive to their learning styles. Schools are challenged to examine their methods of instruction to meet the needs of all children making them successful in all areas of academic content. A quality school is a place where students learn to think and apply knowledge to new situations, where students are involved in and excited about their learning, where students make individual gains in process and knowledge, where adults know they care about individual students, where students develop ‘I can’ attitudes and efficacy about learning, and where the type of learning that occurs prepares students for success after school (Gentry, 2006)† In our twenty-first century learning communities, administrative leadership promotes the success of its students by implementing research that is current and best practices. Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium Standard Two which states: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. (ISLLC 2008: 2). † The application of RTI, promotes an intervention plan focused objectives that are measureable and growth results that are observed through weekly progress monitoring. The RTI model is a valuable asset to the educational community due to the programs â€Å"not specifically a special education eligibility tool, rather it is a data-based decision-making system that can be used for all students within the school. † (Wedl, 2005) The application of the various methods of scientific discoveries that support solutions to many of the educational concerns experienced by our students is imperative to their success and confidence. The following is a plan of action based on the Response to Intervention Model that will promote academic success for students lacking proficiency in their educational experiences. Students will be engaged in daily and weekly activities that will enhance their differentiated instruction. This plan is based on the specific features of the Response to Intervention Model that are crucial to the process of instruction. †¢ Tier Model 1, Problem Solving – during the application of this portion of the Response to Intervention Model, all students are engaged in instruction. Many of the academic needs of the students are met in this level. Approximately one hour and thirty minutes of direct core instruction is implemented. Teachers are engaged in developing base line data from student’s response to instruction. The data from student responses should indicate which students are responding below expected levels of proficiency and those students needing enrichment. †¢ Tier Model 2, Problem Solving – during the application of this portion of the Response to Intervention Model, every student may need the interventions of this Tier. Again, one hour and thirty minutes of direct instruction from the core curriculum instruction. An additional twenty to thirty minutes of intense instruction for targeted skills in a small group within the classroom setting. Daily and weekly progress monitoring is necessary to ensure mastery. †¢ Tier Model 3, Problem Solving – during the application of this portion of the Response to Intervention Model, students that show lack of understanding of implemented instruction and are below the level of proficiency at the Tier 2 instructional interventions level, must continue prescribed interventions. At this level of intervention, again one hour and thirty minutes of direct core instruction, and possibly an additional fifty minutes of intense instruction on targeted skills. Homogenous grouping of students in small unit is desirable. Progress monitoring is required and all the while the teacher is data bank to determine continued instruction, needs assessments, updating base-line data, student mastery, and other evaluative factors. After implementing each Tier 1 three weeks of intense interventions should follow. A new Tier is implemented after completing monitoring activities and evaluating the compiled data. Key to the success of the Response to Intervention Model is the consistent progress monitoring of the students responses to the various daily interventions. Also, due to the constant monitoring, early interception of redirecting the students’ lack of understanding, promotes the regular classroom interventions and deters the need for special education. In many cases, statistics reveal that students experience success and mastery of skills through the varied steps of RTI. According to Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium Standard Two, administrative leaders are responsible for establishing an atmosphere and organizational culture conducive for successful academic experiences for every child. The educational performances of our students are founded on the instructional effectiveness of a curriculum structured to strategically provide mastery through systematic, rigorous, and objective teaching. Tracking student progress through informed data is imperative to a teacher’s next step in the model. Throughout the intervention students are provided high quality instruction. Response to Intervention provides a prescriptive plan of success through intense engaged learning. The problem solving techniques and data driven instructional strategies, will provide opportunities of success. With targeted small group skills instruction as necessary for the struggling child, the experience of maximum achievement is inevitable.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Edgar Allen Poe Essay example -- Biography Biographies Poe Author Essa

Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe was born at 33 Hollis Street, Boston, Massachusetts, on January 19, 1809. Poe’s parents were struggling actors. His father deserted him, and his mother died of tuberculosis when he was three years old. Young Edgar was taken in by a wealthy tobacco exporter by the name of John Allan, from whom he took his middle name. Most of his early life was lived in Richmond, Virginia, with the exception of a five-year period when the Allan family lived in England. His life in England was described as rather uneventful. Poe, even in his early years, had a proficiency for writing poetry. When he moved back to Virginia, Poe grew attached to young girl in his neighborhood named Sarah Royster. They frequently visited, where they sang songs and drew pictures. They were secretly engaged at the time, although their intentions were not made known to the adults of either household (Allen 9). His mid-life began when Poe entered the University of Virginia in 1926. He withdrew less than a year later. Initially, his grades were brilliant, but soon thereafter they began to deteriorate. It is reported that Poe gambled heavily and owed large sums of money to various shopkeepers (Benet 34). He also began drinking quite heavily. Mr. Allan refused to pay Poe’s debts. He also broke off Poe’s engagement to Sarah Royster. Without any visible means to support himself, Poe left for Boston. In the spring of 1827, he arrived penniless and enlisted in the army under the name of Edgar A. Perry. In 1829, he was promoted to the rank of sergeant major. At his own request, was honorably discharged in April of 1829 (Gullete 5). Temporarily reconciled, Mr. Allan secured Poe an appointment to West Point. But still refused financial support. After six months, Poe purposely got himself discharged from West Point, by purposely neglecting his military duties and for disobedience of orders (Encarta [CD-ROM]). Poe then moved to New York, and with the help of some money raised by his West Point friends, he published his first poems in 1831. Poe next took up residence in Baltimore, with his widowed aunt, Maria Clemm, and her daughter, Virginia. He turned to fiction as a way to support himself. The Philadelphia Saturday Corrier published five of Poe’s stories. In 1883, one of his pieces won a fifty-dollar prize given by the Baltimore Sunday advisor (Regan 2,3). In 1... in a story should contribute to the story. Words must not be wasted. Poe’s life was short. He died at the age of forty. He did not appear to waste a moment of his life. He moved from Boston, to Philadelphia, to New York, and to Richmond in the early 1800’s. He even spent five years in London, England. All of these experiences shape his odd life. All of his experiences in his lifetime, including the bad memories, reflected how he wrote his literature. The reader had to understand every aspect of his life to better understand his stories and poems. His writings have been teachings and inspirations for the authors today. Poe is one of the most famous authors in today’s world because of his odd tales, and his eerie life. Works Cited Abbey-Cormier. Magill’s Survey of American Literature New York Marshall Cavendish Corporation Benet, Laura. Young Edgar Allan Poe. New York Dodd, Mead and Company, 1966 Gullete, Alan. â€Å"In the Valley of the Shadow† Microsoft Encarta. â€Å"Edgar Allan Poe† Regan, Robert. â€Å"Poe, Edgar Allan {poh}† 27 March 2000 14 December 2000

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Can Sea Water Generate Usable Energy Environmental Sciences Essay

AbstractionAlternatively of following the conventional fuel oriented power coevals methods and dispersing its heat into environment, we evaporate saline H2O into steam and utilize its energy to bring forth power. Using this strategy would do sea H2O useable in power coevals which at the minute is merely being used for chilling intents in the power workss. The steam used for bring forthing electricity is finally collected, condensed and used for drinkable intents. The proposed strategy may be seen as Steam Power Generation with extra characteristic of desalinization. We set up an experimental trial bed in order to cipher the electric power available utilizing this strategy. To guarantee safety for human ingestion, we besides perform chemical trials on the desalinated H2O to see whether it is fit to be used for imbibing and agricultural intents. Our decisions are based on existent experiments and research lab trials ; processs outlined here may be used at larger graduated table for mor e in-depth analyses. We besides highlight future extensions and alterations in this work. Keywords: DC Shunt Generator, Desalination, Measurement, Power Generation, Thermal PlantsIntroductionMost of the Earth ‘s H2O is either belowground or in ocean. In both instances the high composing of different salts and minerals present in the H2O makes it useless for human public-service corporations. Merely 1 % of the Earth ‘s H2O exists in lakes, pools, or in any other soft H2O beginning, which is non sufficient for 1000000s of human existences. Human presently use 18 % of the accessible H2O every twelvemonth [ 1 ] . This calls for doing usage of other beginnings of H2O, for case sea H2O, which is available in copiousness. Before utilizing sea H2O, nevertheless, its salt content needs to be removed. The remotion of salt from sea H2O, called Desalination, occurs of course at ocean ‘s surface. The Sun evaporates saline H2O from the huge seas and oceans therefore giving rise to â€Å" Natural Desalination † [ 2 ] . These bluess occupy a cloudy construction w hich consequences in the purest signifier of H2O – â€Å" rain H2O † . Apart from natural desalinization, there are two thermic desalinization procedures used worldwide viz. â€Å" Multi Effect Desalination † ( MED ) and â€Å" Multi Stage Flash Distillation † ( MSF ) [ 3 ] . In both of the mentioned engineerings, saltwater is evaporated and so condensed to get fresh H2O, though the procedures involved are rather different in each of them. Pakistan is blessed with more than 1000km long seashore line [ 4 ] . Rational use of this H2O resource is polar for the upheaval of an agricultural state like Pakistan. Sea H2O, nevertheless, has built-in job of holding salts and other minerals which need to be removed before doing it useable for drinkable and agricultural intents. Not merely in agribusiness, H2O play an of import function in carry throughing the power demands of the state. Country relies significantly on Thermal Power Generation, which burns fuel to heat H2O in the boilers for bring forthing electricity. Karachi Electric Supply Corporation ( KESC ) has 1756MW installed capacity for Thermal Power Generation [ 5 ] . Despite holding a big reservoir of sea H2O, its application in both agribusiness and power sectors of the state is impossible without taking its inherently dissolved salts and minerals. Desalination, although can give important benefits, brings considerable environmental harm because of its terminal merchandises. Some conservationists have claimed that the residuary by-product after desalinization with high salt concentration is a large Marine pollutant when thrown back into the sea at high temperatures [ 6 ] . On the other manus, desalinization has obvious cost benefits. Desalination might go even more economically feasible if renewable energy is used to heat the sea H2O alternatively of firing coal, oil or other fuels. The thought of utilizing renewable energy for desalinization is already in pattern at Perth Desalination Plant, which is partly powered by air current energy [ 7 ] . In an effort to foreground the possibility of utilizing desalinated H2O for power coevals before condensation, in this paper introduces a strategy to desalt sea H2O by heating it in boilers and to utilize the kinetic energy of steam to bring forth electricity. The proposed thought will non merely do sea H2O useable for agricultural activities but will besides bring forth considerable sums of electric power, which we need most desperately during the on-going power crisis [ 8 ] . In this paper, we are peculiarly interested in measuring the sum of electricity which can be generated utilizing the proposed set up and its impact on the chemical belongingss of H2O. It is deserving adverting that we are interested in the alterations in H2O belongingss caused by heating the sea H2O ; we ignore the alterations brought approximately due to the hit of H2O with the turbine blades. Rest of the paper is organized as follows. Proposed conventional and experimental set up is detailed in subdivision 2. Power generated following the proposed strategy is evaluated in subdivision 3. Consequences from chemical trials done on the condensed H2O are given in subdivision 4 and decisions are drawn in subdivision 5. Mentions are given at the terminal of the paper followed by the appendix incorporating the chemical trial study on the condensed H2O.PROPOSED SCHEMATIC AND EXPERIMENTAL SET UPAs mentioned earlier, the thought being evaluated in this paper is to boil sea H2O to acquire rid of its salt contents and utilize the kinetic energy of the ensuing steam to bring forth electric power. It can be seen from the proposed set up shown in Figure 1 that salt H2O is heated in a boiler under decreased force per unit area. The salt contents are retained into the boiler and the generated dry steam is sent out to the reaction-type steam turbine. The steam loses its kinetic energy again st the turbine blades in the turbine doing the traveling blades to revolve. This turbine coupled with the generator acts as its premier mover and hence electricity becomes available at the generator terminuss. Upon hit with the turbine blades, dry steam becomes wet and is subsequently condensed in the capacitor. Our experimental set up has used low capacity boilers, turbines and capacitor in order to enforce that the power we generate would be the minimal available from the set up. Bigger devices can of class output better power end products when used commercially. The shaft diameter of the turbine was 2.6cm, while that of turbine was 16cm. The blade tallness was 3.8cm and the nozzle angle was 20o. These specifications are given in Table I. The electromotive force construct up equation for a DC Generator is given in equation ( 1 ) [ 9 ] , where, P is the figure of poles, Z is the figure of music directors, I ¦ is the flux per pole, N is the figure of rotary motions per minute and a is the figure of parallel waies and Vg is the mean electromotive force built in the generator. Table 1: Specifications of equipment used in the proposed apparatus Volume of boiler 5lit Turbine type Chemical reaction Turbine Turbine diameter 16cm Turbine shaft diameter 2.6cm Turbine blade tallness 3.8cm Nozzle angle 20o Generator DC Shunt Generator Picture1 Figures: Proposed apparatus for desalinization and power coevals aˆÂ ¦ ( 1 )AVAILABLE TERMINAL VOLTAGE FROM THE PROPOSED SET UPIn this subdivision, we report our observations recorded from the set up discussed in subdivision 2. As has been mentioned antecedently, our primary involvement is in measuring the power generated from this set up, which basically depends on the rotary motions per minute of the turbine caused by the steam. Our observations suggest that the extremum revolutions per minute reached utilizing this set up is around 700rpm while mean value remained to be about 450rpm. Following, we evaluate the electromotive force generated by 450rpm in a typical DC Generator. Note that similar computations can be made for a synchronal generator. These observations are recorded in Table 2. Table 2: Observations on revolutions per minute and end product terminal electromotive force from the proposed apparatus Peak revolutions per minute 700 Average revolutions per minute 450 Terminal Voltage ( peak revolutions per minute ) 441V Terminal Voltage ( avg revolutions per minute ) 283.5V Mechanical Power ( peak revolutions per minute ) 24W Mechanical Power ( avg revolutions per minute ) 6.5W Therefore, for a lap lesion ( a=p ) , 6 pole, 1260 music directors, DC generator holding flux per pole of 0.03web used in our set up will bring forth about 283.5V mean electromotive force ( at 450rpm ) and 441V ( at 700 revolutions per minute ) . It must be noted that the dimensions of setup used in our set up is significantly little and greater electromotive forces may be achieved utilizing larger fringe.WATER TestingIn this subdivision we conduct intense chemical trials on the H2O recovered from the capacitor which had been used to revolve the turbine blades. We conduct these trials to guarantee that condensed H2O is suited to be used for imbibing and agricultural intents. In peculiar, we are interested in observing whether boiling sea H2O in a individual phase boiler has removed all unsought dissolvers. We have performed laboratory trials at Postgraduate Environmental Lab at NED University of Engineering and Technology on H2O collected in the capacitor obtained from 3 separate exp eriments. We present some of the interesting findings in the undermentioned. We attach one of the studies ( as sample ) in the appendix at the terminal of the paper. We discuss the consequences of chemical trial done on the condensed H2O in the followers. Our parametric quantities of involvement are pH value, Total Dissolved Salt ( TDS ) , Electrical Conductivity and Entire Coli-form. Obtained consequences are tabulated in Table 3. Table 3: Chemical belongingss of H2O recovered from the proposed strategy pH 7.8 Entire Dissolved Salt 5870mg/L Electrical Conduction 10.72mS/cm Entire Coli-form 0 Harmonizing to our trials, the pH value of the condensed H2O increased from 7.6 to 7.8. Condensed H2O, hence, is more basic in nature and helps forestalling wellness jeopardies due to sourness within the human organic structure. It must be noted that the pH values within the scope specified by World Health Organization [ 10 ] . This H2O will act as ordinary pat H2O when used in agricultural activities in footings of pH and will non turn out effectual in killing sources [ 11 ] . Heating the sea H2O at high temperature in our strategy is shown to significantly cut down the TDS value. The condensed H2O has merely 33 % TDS [ 12 ] compared with the original sea H2O. To be precise, TDS was found to be 5870mg/L which is classified â€Å" brackish H2O † in literature [ 13 ] . Although the salt content has non been removed wholly but writers believe carry oning similar experiments on larger graduated table can give better benefits. The electrical conduction of the condensed H2O, as given in Table 3 is found to be 10.72 mS/cm. The existent trial study ( besides given in the appendix ) suggests that electrical conduction can be well decreased by following the strategy outlined here. The ascertained value of conduction is similar to that of Divide Lake in Minnesota, United States [ 14 ] . It is interesting to observe that the H2O collected from capacitor has zero entire coli-form, which makes it ideal for drinkable intents in footings of hygiene [ 15 ] .DecisionThis paper investigates the thought of heating sea H2O at high temperatures for desalting its unsought contents and bring forthing electricity before distilling the same. Detailed proposed set up for the said thought has been given and by experimentation evaluated. It was found that around 24W of mechanical power is available across turbine blades utilizing really little graduated table research lab equipment. In order to measure the chemical alterations on sea H2O due to inordinate warming and hit with turbine blades, research lab trials were conducted on the condensed H2O. Although the condensed H2O did non turn out to be useable straight for drinkable intents, larger scale versions of similar trials might turn out utile. Still, sufficient betterment in chemical belongingss of sea H2O was observed in the trials. The chief motive for this research comes from the fact that Pakistan is blessed with a big coastal belt, which can be put to utilize in legion ways. This paper highlights one of those utilizations.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Going Green to save the Environment Essay

Environment preservation has been of high concern by many environmentalists’, governments and other non-governmental organization. Due to the current situation of the environmental degradation, many campaigns by different organization have thus been put forward as a remedy to the effects of this problem. To curb this problem, different global attempts have thus been instituted to ensure a high concern to prevention of further degradation and limit the then effects born of this problem. Broadly, environment is the ecosystem in which man, animals and the plants survive in. For the health of the live on the earth, importance is attached to the influence of a health state of the environment. A polluted environment is harmful to man, the other animals and to the plants kingdom. Such comes from the indirect consequences that arise as a result of the harmful environment or directly through the health effects that poor environment has to the living things. In the ecosystem, living organisms interact with the environment in their pursuit of life in which case, they uses the environment to source for their daily requirements. If the environment is degraded, its maximum capacity to offer sustaining output to the living things in the ecosystem is destabilized, which results in the fatal effects of harm to these living things. However, the problem with such environmental degradation is rooted to human beings influence where man in the sole contributor to this problem. Through his daily activities in exploitation of the resources in the environment for his survival, man has continued to degrade the environment. (Wade, 2003) However, with the inset of the problem arising from this problem, man has embarked on the philosophy of ‘going green to save the environment’. This aspect entails the application of various attempts that brings one to being friendly to the environment as well saving money income in his operations. This has a double remedy the ones life, where one saves the environment using certain tools which are also economical in terms of money expenditure. (Beretz, 1999) Environmentalists and human activists have argued that man can only undertake to save the environment in an economical way through the various daily interactions with the environment at various levels. Such levels leading to going green to save the environment, would be captured at the people homestead, workplaces, use of recycling campaigns economy and optimality in peoples daily automobile system and proper concern on material and equipment storage. In such, various areas have been developed by the seventh generation in the realization of the roles that individuals can play at their personal level to save the environment in the cheapest means hence saving their income. The seventh generation is a group of human activists who have joined together to fight for the value of a clean environment. Their campaign is safety geared towards initiating environmental protection at the personal level. (www. seventhgen. com/making_difference/newsletter_article. php? article=404&issue=46) However, in understanding the concept, movers of this philosophy have to capture the diversity in the understanding of the term environment. Broadly, environment captures various sets of variable which will include pollution, demographic control, protection of the ozone layer, use of recycling to prevent pollution, use of environmental conservation methods, and aspects of global warming and endangering of some animal and plants kingdom. Perhaps, the greatest contribution has been by the government, international environmental laws on environment and other big organization of both national and international scales on environmental conservations. However, the contribution of these groups has perhaps been minimal, too costly and not optimal to addressing the issue. Research has showed that, despite the high campaign on environmental protection the problem continues to be a threat to the plant and animal ecosystem. With this challenge, the developers of the seventh generation movement work to remedy this problem through personalizing saving of the environment. The concept will basically involve the application of various conservation measures by the individual person which would be less involving in terms of time resources, effect to the external population and above all saving money. To an individual person, he will interact with various environments in his day to day live depending on different variables such as age, religion, occupation, gender, political orientation and personal social-cultural believes with the environment. In the different environments that individuals interact with, the concept of going green and save environment captures on how an individual person should relate with the immediate environment for its preservation but which would otherwise be of the most minimal cost. To the seventh generation activists’, man is involved in the use of some resources at his personal level which can be re-used once again and who’s un-optimal use leads to environmental pollution. Since such resource products are used by the individual, saving the environment would be fostered through recycling of materials. This would involve the re-use of the products for even other purposes and periods. Environmentalists argue differently on the consequences of recycling in relation to the economy as a whole. (Clay, 2001). In the broader sense of environmental conservation, recycling a product depends on the economies that may be got from such an activity. Firstly, if the product got from this activity is cheaper that that of a new product of the same nature, then recycling is an important tool as it will imply income saving. However, if the product got from the recycling is expensive than the purchase of a new commodity of equally the some nature, then recycling would be uneconomical and thus no need of doing such. To the individual level, the relevance of economies from recycling a product should guide him of whether to recycle the product or not. In one level, such an activity will only involve the particular individual. On the other hand, the activity will save him on income for purchase of other products. Sufficiently, the going green and save environment philosophy is captured at this point. Recycling will involve various resources products such as energy wear materials, use of recyclable products, keeping the air clean upon other activities for collecting rain water for household use and recycling plastic components such as bags that are not easy biodegradable. (Wagner, 2005) Through use of various household product recycling activities, an individual can save his income above saving the environment. At the homestead, individuals should recycle plastic bags, through using them time and again. Either, the use of easily biodegradable plastic containers and products for packing household waste is a measure. For ones physical outwear, clothe recycling is still a measure in which a person can wash a piece of cloth material for many times and still keep some few of them for his use. Some articles like paper towels as well as napkins should be made of recyclable paper material. In the physical decoration of the homestead with paint, brands of paints manufactured from some organic compounds which would be volatile and cheap as well having a lesser effect on environmental degradation should be used. At the personal level, cleaning compounds such as soaps and detergents have been a chief source of environment. ( Sivils, 2003). However, remedy to this would be personal manufacturing of his household cleaning products which can be done from various simple components which are cheaper and a highly environmental friendly. Other economies would be safety to the kids, the old people or pets who would be chemical sensitive hence affected by chemical cleaning materials. After a research carried recently rain water offers a fabulous health conditions to the individual. Rain water is normally healthier with fewer chemicals and therefore better for use by an individual. The opportunity cost of rain water is other sources which contains chemical compounds harmful to man. Either, such sources are normally costly and therefore uneconomical. For one to save income and be environmental friendly therefore, he should strategize to possibly have a collection of rain water. Such a method is cheaper and also safeguards the person against any health problem that may arise from use of treated water or water with various chemicals. An environmental friendly and cheap method can be on the deposition of individual food and organic leftovers, rather than trashing them to the dumping areas. In most the cities, environmental pollution has been as a result of food leftovers substances that are dumped in the dumping site by individuals. (Domoto, 1999) Intensity of such leftovers is environmentally unfriendly whose long run cost is perhaps too high both to the individual, community and the government. By using compost pits for your leftovers, it can alternatively be used as a source of organic manure for your field. Indeed, this method is cheap and ensures a high saving to the environment. ( www. seventhgen. com/making_difference/newsletter_article. php? article=404&issue=46) By and large, an environmentally friendly homestead is a key factor in concern to going green to save environment. The homestead is the living area of the individual. Therefore, it forms an environment which the individual person should work towards its upkeep. Broadly, diversified methods can be used to improve and maintain a good homestead environment at a cheap cost which is highly cost saving. Diversity in such household’s environment concerning issues varies from energy saving techniques and use of proper methods to conserve waste for household use. In various, studies household activities have been voted as a big contributor towards environmental pollution. Above this problem, such household activities are normally highly costing. Various household activities have led to external environment pollution which is harmful to the immediate individual in the application as well as the neighborhood as a whole. Perhaps the greatest household environmental pollutant is the energy system and activities used in the households. Various energy inputs such as cooking energy, lighting, water heating and laundry appliances have been a chief source of pollution. To avoid this, individual should use environmental friendly energy conservation methods that are also cheap. Some electrical systems and appliances are normally cheap and have less environmental pollution. Example, persons should aim to use fluorescent bulbs that are energy efficient. Home selection of such should vary with shapes, color hue match and room lighting. (Wagner, 2005) Many of these choices have been voted to use a scaled down amount of energy than the other versions. Other varied energy appliances in the homestead can highly help to save the environment above reducing costs of their use. The use of energy star appliances, reducing the homestead utility bill, use of wall warts which are adoptions used for drawing energy from homesteads walls and the use of other dormant appliances which do not use energy when off can highly help to save energy. Active home appliances should be left to home machinery which could only loose its memory when switched off. Household should use energy audit system to control the saving attributes at the homestead which help to save the individual income and the environment as a whole. Contributors of the seventh generation usually argue on the impact of energy as a major source of environmental pollution. Improper use of energy at home can be a chief source of high income expenditures and an environmental pollutant. At all levels, the going green to save environment at the homestead level will call for water saving measures. This will involve on the general methods in use of water at home and the water heating methods which should be through the use of solar heaters rather that electricity. In all such activities the individual incomes is saved as well as the environment. (Wade, 2003) As a whole, personal use of automobiles has been a detriment to environmental pollution. In big cities of the world’s most developed urban areas, exhaustion of fumes, extravagance consumptions of fuels and vehicle jams have highly contributed to environmental pollution. To the individual person, the going green and save environments involves use of car and gas saving instruments that calls for less pollution and lower transport cost. To the individual going green on cars involves economical car application tools which may not imply direct use of transports. Such measures may include public transport use, operating work at home, probably renting of a car, economical driving and the use of environmental friendly fuels in your cars. Such aspects by an individual works toward achieving the going green in conservation of environment as well as saving income. A persons equipment purchases are taken for storage at the stores. To the individual, the storage system of his purchases may highly lead to environmental pollution. The store system should involve methods that help to reduce pollution. Stores packaging, volume of purchases, conditions at the stores should be environmental friendly at a cheap source. (Clay, 2001) The dimension of going green to save the environment tries to capture the possible ways in which an individual at his personal level can work towards minimizing environmental pollution with the cost aspect being minimal. It seeks to draw environmental protections activities and campaigns have been moved from the government or other big organization and bringing it close to the individual level. This has been done after a close realization on the importance of the role played by individual in protecting the environment on economical base rather than use of the broader institutions at higher expenses. Reference: Beretz, C. (1999) Saving the Farm: Forum for Applied Researched Public Policy Vol. 14 Clay, R. (2001) Saving the Earth from Space: Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 109. Domoto, A. (1999) Saving the Environment Women at the Wheel: UN Chronicle Vol. 36. Seventh Generation (September 2007). The non-Toxic Times News letter. www. seventhgen. com/making_difference/newsletter_article. php? article=404&issue=46 Retrieved on September 29th 2003 Sivils, M. (2003) Rosendale Steven Ed. The Greening of Literary Scholarship: Literature, Theory an the Environment: Studies in American Fiction Vol. 31 Wade, M. (2003) Saving the Planet: Report Debunks Myth That African Americans Don’t Care about the Environment Black Enterprise Vol. 34 Wagner, C. (2005) Saving the Environment Saves Human Lives: Environmental protection Programs Could Reduce Impacts of Future Disasters: The Futurists, Vol. 39

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on WHO Tobacco Industry Regulation

Regulation could affect a range of key areas but isn’t it about time that the tobacco industry is finally regulated? There are several aspects of the tobacco industry included in Morgan Stanley Dean Witter's (MSDW) equity research, March 14 of 2001, on an industrial overview of tobacco stated in a report titled "Who Will Regulate Tobacco?" They believe that the World Health Organization (WHO) tobacco initiative has some important risks that investors will see as becoming increasingly high profile as the 2003 deadline approaches. First, WHO's aim and negotiation for Global Regulatory Authority by 2003 covers key issues such as advertising, promotion, packaging, excise tax, litigation, and health warnings. Second, WHO initiative represents one of the most serious new global regulatory threats to the tobacco industry, in their opinion. Third, WHO treaty will be legally binding, it's intended that the treaty will be passed into national law and compliance is enforced by natio nal governments. Fourth, tackling youth smoking provides some upside companies’ cooperation with WHO and positively addressing youth smoking could reduce political risk and therefore improve valuations, in their opinion. WHO wants and should be allowed to create a framework within which to become the global tobacco regulator, which MSDW sees as potentially one of the most important regulatory developments for several years. Global Regulatory Authority by 2003 is a global tobacco control treaty that is being negotiated by WHO. WHO is a specialized agency of the UN that has 3,800 fulltime experts working for a tobacco treaty. Tobacco is one of the highest profile issues currently being addressed by the organization. The WHO treaty covers key issues such as advertising, promotion, packaging, excise tax, litigation, and health warnings. Advertising, promotion, and sponsorship is likely to be restricted significantly under a WHO treaty. Annual tobacco indu... Free Essays on WHO Tobacco Industry Regulation Free Essays on WHO Tobacco Industry Regulation Regulation could affect a range of key areas but isn’t it about time that the tobacco industry is finally regulated? There are several aspects of the tobacco industry included in Morgan Stanley Dean Witter's (MSDW) equity research, March 14 of 2001, on an industrial overview of tobacco stated in a report titled "Who Will Regulate Tobacco?" They believe that the World Health Organization (WHO) tobacco initiative has some important risks that investors will see as becoming increasingly high profile as the 2003 deadline approaches. First, WHO's aim and negotiation for Global Regulatory Authority by 2003 covers key issues such as advertising, promotion, packaging, excise tax, litigation, and health warnings. Second, WHO initiative represents one of the most serious new global regulatory threats to the tobacco industry, in their opinion. Third, WHO treaty will be legally binding, it's intended that the treaty will be passed into national law and compliance is enforced by natio nal governments. Fourth, tackling youth smoking provides some upside companies’ cooperation with WHO and positively addressing youth smoking could reduce political risk and therefore improve valuations, in their opinion. WHO wants and should be allowed to create a framework within which to become the global tobacco regulator, which MSDW sees as potentially one of the most important regulatory developments for several years. Global Regulatory Authority by 2003 is a global tobacco control treaty that is being negotiated by WHO. WHO is a specialized agency of the UN that has 3,800 fulltime experts working for a tobacco treaty. Tobacco is one of the highest profile issues currently being addressed by the organization. The WHO treaty covers key issues such as advertising, promotion, packaging, excise tax, litigation, and health warnings. Advertising, promotion, and sponsorship is likely to be restricted significantly under a WHO treaty. Annual tobacco indu...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Best Guess on the Year ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Was Written

Best Guess on the Year ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Was Written Although there is no record of when Shakespeare actually wrote Romeo and Juliet, it was first performed in 1594 or 1595. It is likely that Shakespeare wrote the play shortly before its premiere performance. But while  Romeo and Juliet  is one of Shakespeares most famous plays, the storyline is not entirely his own. So, who wrote the original Romeo and Juliet and when?   Italian Origins The origins of Romeo and Juliet are convoluted, but many people trace it back to an old Italian tale based on the lives of two lovers who tragically died for each other in Verona, Italy in 1303. Some say the lovers, although not from the Capulet and Montague families, were real people.   While this may as well be true, there is no clear record of such a tragedy occurring in Verona in 1303. Tracing it back, the year seems to be proposed by the City of Verona Tourist Site, most likely in order to boost touristic appeal.   Capulet and Montague Families The Capulet and Montague families were most likely based on the Cappelletti and Montecchi families, which did exist in Italy during the 14th century. While the term family is used, Cappelletti and Montecchi were not the names of private families but rather local political bands. In modern terms, perhaps the word clan or faction is more accurate. The Montecchi was a merchant family that competed with other families for power and influence in Verona. But there is no record of a rivalry between them and the Cappelletti. Actually, the Cappelletti family was based in Cremona. Early Text Versions of Romeo and Juliet In 1476, the Italian poet, Masuccio Salernitano, wrote a story titled Mariotto e Gianozza. The story takes place in Siena and centers around two lovers who are secretly married against the wishes of their families and end up dying for each other due to a tragic miscommunication. In 1530, Luigi da Porta published Giulietta e Romeo,  which was based on Salernitanos story. Every aspect of the plot is the same. The only differences are that Porta changed the names of the lovers and the setting location, Verona rather than Siena. Also, Porta added the ball scene in the beginning, where Giulietta and Romeo meet and has Giuletta  commit suicide by stabbing herself with a dagger rather than wasting away like in Salernitanos version. English Translations Portas Italian story was translated in 1562 by Arthur Brooke, who published the English version under the title The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet. William Painter retold the story in prose in his 1567 publication, Palace of Pleasure. It is most likely that William Shakespeare read these English versions of the story and was thus inspired to pen Romeo and Juliet.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Trumans Decision regarding the Atomic Bombs Research Paper

Trumans Decision regarding the Atomic Bombs - Research Paper Example produced and finally in the early morning of July 16, 1945, the first successful testing of an Atomic bomb was conducted at the Trinity test site at Alamogordo, New Mexico. During this time, the allied forces had already captured Germany, but Japan continued to fight the war even with the clear indication of their little chance of winning. It was estimated that in the period between mid-April to mid-July in 1945 Japan displayed ferocity by killing massive number of allied forces. The Japanese government even rejected the proposal made in Potsdam Declaration that proposed the Japanese armed forces to surrender or else face â€Å"prompt and utter destruction† (The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki). Truman believed that the destruction caused by the Atomic bomb in the Japanese cities would place America in a formidable position amongst the other powerful nations of the world. Controversies President Truman experienced many dilemmas that influenced his decision to drop the Atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Within two weeks of becoming president, he received a full report on the developmental process of the most expensive war material which stated it as â€Å"the most terrible weapon ever known in human history† (Hamby, 18). On 8th May 1945, after Germany surrendered, it was still necessary to defeat the Japanese. Truman’s decision was highly influenced by his past experience of being a combat artillery in the WWI. During that phase he developed a perspective of Japanese fanaticism, and also as American President he wanted to exhibit his diplomatic power by solving the existing difficulties with Soviet Union which was not yet at war with Japan. Many scholars in response to the utter calamity caused by the Atomic bombs professed that Truman deliberately killed and... Japan was always a losing side since the nation’s military power was in no way a match for the U.S. military power. Moreover, by August 1995 fatigue had set in and it was highly possible that the Japanese would surrender by the end of the year. Moreover, I feel the first Atomic bomb could be dropped anywhere near the harbor if the intention was only to scare the Japanese and force them to surrender. Also, I feel the Potsdam Declaration should have been modified, and instead of ordering the Japanese to surrender unconditionally they should have given the chance to say something. There is also the fact that the bomb was dropped on two cities which resulted in deaths of more civilians than soldiers. Finally, the major reason why I cannot support Truman’s decision is that many Japanese people are still suffering from diseases that occurred from the bomb’s radiation. On such grounds which include both political and moral issues, it was an unjustified act by President Truman.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Governance and policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Governance and policy - Essay Example r administration in the UK adopted what can be called â€Å"supply side† economics, the cornerstone of which was reducing the tax rates for corporates with a view to encouraging them to produce more. The contention of this author is that the credit crunch of 2008 represents stresses that have been building up ever since the 1980’s and these are the result of the brand of economics and policies followed in the US and UK from that time onwards. As I point out in subsequent sections, the changes in the banking sector because of macro and micro factors led to the financial system being unstable. The fact that there were several crises, notably the Northern Rock, the Savings and Loans scandal along with the periodic instability that led to the Asian financial crisis of 1997 did not make it easy for the regulators as well. The credit crunch can be blamed on a combination of factors that include bad regulation, excessive speculation and a tendency towards risk taking that went beyond the acceptable levels. This tendencies were building up throughout the period starting in the 1980’s and reached their apogee in 2007 when the bubble burst with the fall in the housing market and consequent contraction of the economy. What exacerbated the situation was the spike in Oil prices in 2008 which meant that people had lesser money to spare for repaying their mortgages as the oil price increase pinched the wallets of the consumers (Rubin, 2009). Atkinson and Elliott point out: The modern era has been characterized by slower growth in average real incomes, higher levels of debt to maintain living standards, greater job insecurity and financial crises that have become more frequent and more far reaching. The only class that has benefited unambiguously from this new world order is that of the gods of greed (Elliot and Atkinson, 2008). To explain this point further, what has essentially happened is that there was excessive speculation that came from availability of easy credit and